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Sarah Garlits

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  1. Hi, i send you all my support and solidarity, lots of strength!! our blog is being translated to english , but i invite to visit it anyways already since there are some EN texts and images can sometimes talk for themselves… Thank you for visiting it and for your courage, Monica


  2. Many thanks for the blog, it truly is loaded with so much helpful information. Reading this helped me a lot.


  3. Hi Sarah–I’m so sorry to learn that this is something you had to go through. I’m sure you hear from lots of fans, but just so you know there are people out there who are hearing your message and wish you the best. I plan on watching some of your blog videos about PTSD and the things you’ve been through to better understand that side of you…


  4. I was in kindergarten when it started. My mother was a teacher at another school so I would stay with a baby sitter until she could come get me. He was one of those teenagers that has the absolute trust of adults to watch their children. Everyone loved him. He started soon after the first week of school and it lasted until the third grade when the school board made new boundary lines that decide which school you go to and I was luckily one of those kids getting transferred. It was also my mothers school so I didn’t need a babysitter. My parents and siblings like to joke about bully me about how bad of a kid I was. absolutely refusing to go to school. I would do anything to not got, kick, scream, bite, claw, one time I even ripped out a tooth that wasn’t even loose just so I didn’t have to go. I was always acting out and they think it is funny because one school year I am still the ‘demon child’ and the next I am a perfect angel who gladly goes to school and always follows directions. No one in my family knows, only my three closest friends. I can’t tell them. I can’t bring myself to do it. Either they wont believe me because, even now, they all think he is a wonderful person, my sister is facebook friends with him, and after all why would I say something now after all these years if I had truly been sexually abused. Or they will feel extremely guilty and angry and try and get justice and try and expose him. I don’t want everyone knowing, I don’t want them to be telling their friends my story and how messed up it or telling people who know him still personally. If they did I would have to confront him, and be public about it and I can’t do it. So I pretend I don’t have flashbacks or flinch or cry whenever anything reminds me of my experience. It didn’t occur to me until high school that I was experiencing a form of PTSD, but realizing that I do helped me and my friends help me recover. Day by day. Sometimes I still have remind myself that I am not a child under the control of my babysitter and that I am my own person, I am free of him.


    1. Safe HuGz! Thank you so much for sharing this. If you meant for me not to approve this comment, let me know and I’ll delete it. I am so happy that you are free of him!


  5. Thank you for a really awesome blog. It was very helpful. I am just so happy I found this.


  6. Thank you for helping people find the info they need. Good stuff as usual. Keep up the good work!!!


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